The topic today is denim. I was away last week, as Emma said, but I had a reason, not that she cared. Clearly. I was away with my friend Johnny Gale. That’s pretty much all you need to know. Anyway, now it’s time to talk about denim.
Suggested music: Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy) – Big & Rich
Nina_B writes: Did you know that if you do a mash up of your names it could be denim? Or more like Dean-em. But really close.
Dean: Umm…no, actually. I never thought of it. Thanks for pointing it out, though.
Karl21 asks: How do you feel about a jean vest with jeans?
Emma: Well, Karl, I don’t feel good about it. Only rednecks wear denim on denim. Don’t do it. Unless you’re a redneck, in which case, you probably won’t listen to me anyway.
little_rosie asks: What’s the worst kind of jeans ever?
Dean: That’s a tough one because there are so many to choose from. But I would have to say…bikini jeans. They’re jean on the bottom, with a denim bikini bottom attached on top. I’m not really sure what the point of them is. Maybe they were invented simply to win awards in the “worst jeans ever” category.
johnny_gale writes: I’ve decided to write into your website and harass you. Just for fun. What are we even talking about this time?
Emma: Oh, good. I was hoping I would have to talk to you on a regular basis. And we’re talking about denim.
redwarrior: Are you seriously still doing this? Why don’t you take a hint and stop already? You are so beyond LAME!
Dean: How many times have you called us lame? A lot, I would guess. Maybe you should find a better adjective. Switch it up a little. Maybe you could buy a thesaurus.
beverly_hill_billie writes: Excuse me, but I guess I am what you might call a “redneck” because I wear denim on denim all the time.
Emma: You should really consider not doing that.
Danielle347 writes: I think the worst piece of denim I’ve ever seen is a fringed vest that merged into denim skirt that was ankle length. It also had fringe.
And let’s leave it on that slightly disturbing note.
Got questions or even more complaints? E-mail us at deanandemmapluscrew@gmail.com. The next topic is muskrats.