Alright, so I’m back from visiting my grandma in Listowel. By the way, don’t ever go there. Everyone’s a giant. So anyway, I read last week’s post and…well, I apologize for Dean and Johnnie’s incredible boyness. But this week’s topic should be great! Harrison Ford, baby!
Star_Wars_fan asks: What’s your favourite Harrison Ford movie?
Dean: Well, I feel like I should say Star Wars, but I honestly can’t decide. I really like a lot of them. Maybe the third Indiana Jones movie, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. You can’t go wrong with a Harrison Ford and Sean Connery team up.
Jamie_G_14 writes: Did you know that the hairy guy from that horse movie and that major trilogy was in Witness?
Emma: Yes, I do. For those of you who don’t, Jamie_G_14 is referring to Vigo Mortensen who plays Aragorn in the Lord of the Rings franchise and, incidentally, an Amish guy in the movie Witness. I can see where some of you would’ve gotten a little lost, though, because there are a lot of hairy guys in Lord of the Rings.
Maggie_4_Life asks: What would Harrison Ford and Calista Flockheart’s celebrity couple name be?
Dean: That’s an easy one. Harrista. Maybe even Harrista Flord.
jacob_is_da_bomb writes: HARRISON FORD RULEZ!!!!!!!!
Emma: Thanks for the input, jacob_is_da_bomb.
hannah_montanna_is_kool asks: How many kids does Harrison Ford have? Are any of them young or super hot?
Dean: Well, hannah (if I may call you that), Wikipedia tells me he has five. And I’m not sure I’m the best judge on whether or not any of his four sons are “hot”...I’m going to go with “probably”, though. It seems likely. Although, with the way he’s aged, I’m sure they’ll all end up with rather large noses.
devon4000 writes: Who do you think would win in a cage fight, Indiana Jones or The Rock?
Emma: Good Lord, do you even need to ask that question? You know what, I’m not even going to answer. How else will you learn?
And let’s leave it at that. Ask us questions! E-mail us at deanandemmapluscrew@gmail.com. Next week’s topic is nose whistles.
"Alright, so I’m back from visiting my grandma in Listowel. By the way, don’t ever go there. Everyone’s a giant."
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