What’s on our minds today? Hair extensions. Why? God only knows. Also, Emma is away visiting her grandma (Hi, Mabel!), so I, Dean, decided to fly solo. This was, of course, last week before she told me that the topic was going to be hair extensions. Thus, I have invited my long-time friend, Johnnie Gale to help me. Does he know more about hair extensions? Probably not. Should be interesting.
Mrs.Bieber writes: I’m thinking of getting hair extensions because my hair doesn’t grow very quickly and I want long hair NOW. My hair is pretty short, though, so how long do you think I should get them?
Dean: Hmm…well, I’d say not very long because you don’t want a mullet. I may not know much about hair, but I do know that sort hair on top plus long hair underneath equals mullet. And times that by pi and you get ugly. It’s simple math, really.
lily_rocks asks: How do you know if extensions are good quality?
Johnnie: Umm…I’m going to say that, if they cost a lot, then they’re probably better than the plastic kind you can get at the dollar store. But then again, what the heck do I know? Good scotch is also expensive and it tastes like wood varnish.
crazy_cherrie asks: Will my flat iron melt my hair extensions? Like, doesn’t that happen sometimes?
Dean: I can’t say that I’ve ever heard of that happening. Of course, I also can’t say that I’m a hundred per cent sure of what a “flat iron” is…
Jay9 writes: I got hair extensions last week and when I washed them for the first time, my shampoo died that blue. What do you think I should do?
Johnnie: I would suggest buying better shampoo.
jennie_10_34 asks: Can you die your hair extensions? I want to die my hair, but I have extensions in and they’re blonde. Can I die them too?
Dean: Apparently you can, or at least Jay9 did with their shampoo.
ilikeponies asks: What kind of extensions are the best kind to buy?
Johnnie: Okay, you know what? I have no idea. I know nothing about extensions. My hair is like an inch long, if that. Dean, if you ever ask me to help you with this again, make the topic something I can actually handle.
Okay…I think that’s enough of that. Join us next week for a riveting discussion on Harrison Ford.
Got questions? E-mail us at deanandemmapluscrew@gmail.com.
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