Ponchos! Woohoo! Also, Dean is away again (lame). I don’t know where he’s gone, because, honestly, I didn’t listen to him long enough to find out. So anyway, I’ve brought my little sister Britt back to help me this week. She’s determined to write some of this in German. I fully apologize in advance.
Suggested music: A Kiss with a Fist – Florence and the Machine
Debbie_lynn writes: What is a poncho? Is that like some sort of Mexican food? I like Mexican food.
Emma: Oh Lord…no, you know what? Yes. Yes, ponchos are a type of Mexican food. They’re a cross between tacos and nachos. And similar to enchiladas.
ryan_rocks _the_world writes: Oh man. Does anyone else remember when ponchos were like the coolest thing ever?
Britt: Again, I am thirteen. I was born in 1997. Ponchos were cool in the late 60s, early 70s. I do not remember that because I had not been born yet. Seriously, people.
Nina_B writes: Your email confuses me. It always looks like dean and emma plu -screw. Perhaps that's rude. Also, who invented the poncho??? And can he/she be lynched for it?
Emma: Perhaps that is rude, but only because you’ve made it rude. Nicely done, my friend, nicely done. According to Wikipedia, which is a very reputable research source, the poncho was created by an ancient group of people from the Andes. They’re probably dead now, so lynching them would be a moot point.
dragon_ball_z asks: What’s the point of a poncho? Why not just wear a sweater?
Britt: That is a very good point. Ein sehr gut point. Ponchos are pointless. And I think we should all learn from dragon_ball_z’s example and not wear ponchos. Ever.
mikeT asks: Wasn’t Poncho the name of the Lone Ranger’s sidekick? Or was that his horse?
Emma: You are wrong on both accounts, Mike. The horse’s name was Silver, hence the saying “Hi ho, Silver, away!”. And the sidekick’s name was Tonto. Although, I’m sure he would appreciate you referring to him as “Poncho”.
allison_buttercup writes: I totally had a poncho when I was in grade school! It was pink with pom-poms and tassels. And it had a pink sequin flower pattern on it. I used to wear it like everyday to school. It was so cozy!
Britt: Oh dear God. Gott in Himmel.
reo_hayworth writes: I teach hip hop to young kids at a community centre and I have one student who wear a brown knit poncho to every dance class.
Emma: It seems cruel that her mother makes her take dance classes in a knit poncho. I mean, it really seems cruel that her mother would make her go out in public in a brown poncho, or a poncho at all, really. But I can’t imagine you’d be too cool in a poncho, both literally and metaphorically.
Superman writes: I had a waterproof poncho when I was younger. I used to wear it when it rained.
Britt: That seems like a good time to wear a waterproof poncho.
Das ist alles für heute. Don’t know what that means? Google translator.
Got questions or comments for us to translate? E-mail us at deanandemmapluscrew@gmail.com. The next topic is denim.