Alright, so I’m back. The last topic was a little traumatizing for me, as Emma mentioned. Actually, she was surprisingly kind about that. I wonder why…Anyway, on to Lady Gaga.
Suggested music: Dude Looks like a Lady – Aerosmith
Karl_14_rocks asks: Why does Lady Gaga look like a man?
Dean: Poor genetics? A mixture of strong features and a thin face? Or perhaps she actually is a man. Wasn’t she trying to convince people that she was a hermaphrodite for a while there?
amy_jones asks: What’s your least favourite Lady Gaga song? Mine is Telephone.
Emma: Oh man, have you heard Beyoncé’s Video Phone? Clearly Lady Gaga and Beyoncé flipped a coin for who would get Video Phone and who would get Telephone. Beyoncé obviously lost.
johnny_gale writes: Lady Gaga looks like Howard Wolowitz from The Big Bang Theory. Anyway, since you never answer your phone, man, and spend all your time doing this, I figure this is the only way to get a hold of you. What do you think of Emma’s friend Lucy?
Dean: You know, she does kind of look like Howard. Funny. And Lucy’s a nice girl. Little strange, but nice. And smart. Why?
billy_bee asks: Why does everybody else keep copying Lady Gaga?
Emma: Technically, I think Lady Gaga copied other people first. Like Madonna. And possibly Gwen Stefani.
johnny_gale writes: Hmmm…so do you think I should ask out Lucy?
Dean: You know this is a public forum right? I think you already have asked her out.
dean_is_a_hottie asks: What is Lady Gaga’s real name?
Emma: Well, Wikipedia is telling me that it’s Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta. So it’s Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta.
johnny_gale writes: Okay, I’m going to do it. Lucy, will you go out with me?
Dean: Okay…this has taken a completely irrelevant turn…
Lucy_Diamond writes: Yes! I will definitely go out with you!
Emma: How precious. You heard it here first, folks. Lucy and Johnny have gotten together.
I’m just going to stop it here, because things have gotten out of hand and none of it has anything to do with Lady Gaga.
Want to ask someone out on a public website? E-mail us at deanandemmapluscrew@gmail.com. The next topic is “That’s what she said”.