Emma is back and with a vengeance. She, as predicted, did not have a good time with her aunt Sylvia and her bristly mustache. But that was to be expected. In any case, she is very excited about this topic and even picked the song for this discussion. It’s all very exciting. Let’s do this!
Suggested music: Shoot to Thrill – AC DC
Nina_B asks: Who was the new guy who plays AB in the new movie? And really, who was Mr.T? Was he anything other than AB?
Dean: Well, Nina, the actor was not actually an actor. He was, in fact, a UFC fighter. His name is Quinton Jackson, which, if I say so myself, is a pretty spectacular name. I think I will name my children that. I’ll have twin boys and name one Quinton and the other Jackson. But enough about me. Mr. T is also well-known for his role in the Rocky franchise (Rocky III, to be specific) as boxer Clubber Lang. I first read that as “Chubber Lang”, which seems rude somehow. Also, he does those World of Warcraft commercials for the nighthawk elf warrior mohawk things or whatever. I don’t really know and what’s more, I don’t really care. And finally, it’s B.A. Baracus. Not AB. Close, though. Good effort.
dean_is_a_hottie writes: I’ll have babies Quinton and Jackson with you, Dean!
Emma: I was so excited about doing this topic and you’ve completely ruined it for me. I wanted to answer questions about The A-Team and their amazing amazingness. And instead you give me this. Sigh…
Felicia_Watson asks: Have you seen the new movie? Would you recommend it to someone like me (someone being a person who wasn’t alive when the television show was on and not a teenage boy)?
Dean: I have seen it, actually. Opening night, in fact. I liked it, but then again, I am a teenage boy. Emma went with me and also liked it, but then again, she’s practically a teenage boy (bahaha). However, I wasn’t alive when the old show was on and still enjoyed it. I think you’d like it. Well, I mean, if you like pure action films. Plus, the actors did a good job. Who doesn’t like Liam Neeson? And Quinton Jackson did a surprisingly good job for not being a real actor by profession. He should look into enunciating more, though.
Franklin_M asks: What’s Mr. T’s real name?
Emma: Laurence. I kid you not.
johnny_gale writes: I also saw the movie, also with Dean and Emma. I liked it, but I am confused about Jessica Biel. She’s an alright actress and I have nothing against her, but how did she even get famous? Did it all start when she started dating Justin Timberlake?
Dean: No, no, no. Jessica Biel was sort of famous before then. She was on popular after school drama, 7th Heaven. And when I say popular, I mean a smattering of interested teen Christian followers.
Evan_Grossman asks: I just saw the new movie and I cannot for the life of me remember what Liam Neeson’s character’s name is? Also, was Liam Neeson in Batman Begins?
Emma: Okay, Liam Neeson’s character is Colonel Smith. And he was in Batman Begins. He plays classic villain Ra’s Al Gul. Maybe I spelled that wrong, but I mean really, who cares?
I certainly don’t. And let’s leave it at that.
Mildly interested in something? E-mail us at deanandemmapluscrew@gmail.com. The next topic is cats.
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